Lecce: San Matteo



Church of Saint Maria of the Reed
Risen in the XIII century following the recovery of an image of the Virgo, It was found on the borders of an ancient Jewish ghetto.
It has a façade preceded by a portico. The longitudinal plant is separated in three aisles. Along the inside walls of the central aisle It races a continuous moulding composed of methope and triglifi and the ceiling erased, while the smaller aisles has quadrate vault.
The Seminar
The Seminar was erected around 1752 on project of Adriano Preite from Copertino and consecrate in 1760. Realized by regular of carparo It is of quadrangular plant with articulated façade in three floors characterized to plain earth by the projection of the architrave portal with a shield among volutes.
The windows have frames supple and showy windowsill. At the end of the works in progress the building will be center of the Diocesan Museum.
The Cathedral
Probably completed before the '700, in accordance with the rigorous plant of the inferior order, the decorative abundance of the superior order is contrasted concluded by a pediment. In this work we can see a new tendency, then followed in the whole rest of the region, that is to realise paintings of big dimensions as The profanation of the Temple that It occupies the whole front side of the church.
The church of St. Domenico
It makes part of the sixteenth-century complex of the Dominicans, of which It still preserves the monastery set on the right side. It was built on sketch by Valerio Mastroleo, between 1696 and 1700, on a more ancient church founded in 1517 and entitled to the SS. Announced. From this church the altars and the relative paintings were recovered and used.
The inside is articulated in an only aisle of octagonal form lengthened with five chapels for side.


Accommodation: Otranto Punta Zone - Minervino


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